Brave robot series wiki
Brave robot series wiki

brave robot series wiki

Green Planet leader Cain originally built Galeon as part of his plan to fight the Zonder threat, along with the Genesic Machines and his son, Latio. A data terminal is located beneath his forehead panel which contains all of the Green Planet's technology and a copy of Cain's consciousness (although his consciousness is only reactivated after GaoGaiGar was boosted with The Power during the Jupiter battle during the TV show's final arc).Ģ pairs of offensive fangs in Galeon's jaws. The cylindrical thrusters mounted on the Galeon's black waist armor parts allows him to fly for long distances, breaking through Earth's atmosphere with ease. By himself, Galeon can attack enemies with his Galeon Claw and Galeon Fang, along with being able to disable Zonder Barriers by roaring (an ability that GGG implemented into G.B.R.-04 Volfogg and Big Volfogg's Melting Siren). Galeon is a mechanical lion built by the inhabitants of the Green Planet to counter the Zonder threat originated from the Purple Planet by combining with the Genesic Machines to form Genesic GaoGaiGar. Physical Defence System Maximum Energy Impact Load: Estimated 5.482 x 10^7 joules.Physical Defence System: G-Armorment with Laser Coat.

brave robot series wiki

Miller-CLE Defence System Maximum Energy Impact Load: Estimated 2.311 x 10^15 joules.Miller-CLE Defence System: Pure G-Power Barrier System.Propulsion System: Waist G-Impulse Drive.Classification: G-Stone Drived Brave Robot Special.

Brave robot series wiki