5000 Series: Administration and Management.Compare the depictions of the battle by Powell and Thomas Birch. The decisive victory at the Battle of Lake Erie was also celebrated in a painting by William Henry Powell. Read about the Battle of Lake Erie at the National Park Service More to think about See a timeline of the War of 1812 at the Indiana University Bloomington LibrariesĮxplore primary source documents about the War of 1812 See this painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Building on a tradition of Dutch marine painting, he depicts the confusion and chaos of the battle, but also signals America’s ultimate victory. Thomas Birch relied on reports and military sketches to capture the details of the battle with great precision.This was a tragic development for Native Americans in the region, especially after Tecumseh, who had organized a confederacy of native peoples in alliance with the British, was killed in a subsequent battle. The victory also enabled American expansion westward, beyond the original colonies along the eastern seaboard. Connecting British Canada and the U.S., Lake Erie was strategically important, especially in a larger war that centered on controlling the conduits of international trade.The American forces defeated the powerful British navy, demonstrating the growing international strength of the United States. Admiral Perry’s victory in the Battle of Lake Erie was a turning point in the War of 1812 and the development of the American empire.Elena FitzPatrick Sifford on casta paintings Reframing Art History, a new kind of textbook.Not your grandfather’s art history: a BIPOC Reader.With 503 contributors from 201 colleges, universities, museums, and researchĬenters, Smarthistory is the most-visited art history resource in the world. We believe that the brilliant histories of art belong to everyone, no matter their background. At Smarthistory, the Center for Public Art History, we believe art has the power to transform lives and to build understanding across cultures.